What is the greatest problem in your organisation?

Over the last 15 years our trainers have worked with teams and individuals from almost every type of organisation and one question we always ask is: ‘What is the greatest problem in your organisation?’ The answer that always comes first is poor communication skills. This finding is backed by a CIPD/KPMG survey of 1400 businesses which ranks improved communication skills (40%) in the top three training needs along with work ethic (39%), and personality (32%).

The problem is that bad communication results in thousands of wasted hours where management is forced to intervene to clear up communication misunderstandings in everything ranging from emails to staff meetings.

Find Out How to Say It Once, Say It Right And Be Heard And Understood The First Time

The Be A Brilliant Communicator programme will unlock your hidden communication skills, you will understand exactly how to create rapport and relationships quickly, effectively, and you will identify Five Biggest Communication Mistakes you might be making. The Be A Brilliant Communicator course will also provide you with specific and easy to take steps to eliminate them. Five Irresistible Benefits! We guarantee that as you become aware of these problems and the essential knowledge to overcome them that your interactions with colleagues, customers, and suppliers will lead to many benefits including:

  • Enhanced quality of work
  • Less time wasted in back and forth misunderstandings
  • Smoother flow of ideas and staff problem-solving
  • Less absenteeism
  • Fewer lost customers (that lost revenue is real PAIN for the business!)


What Does the Be A Brilliant Communicator course include?

  • Find out how we tick the unconscious patterns that are the secret to elegant communication
  • The TRUTH about body language and how to use it invisibly
  • Train your mind to FOCUS and get to your outcomes with minimal effort
  • Learn how to detect what draws someone’s attention and how to shift your communication to match it and catch their attention
  • Organise your communications so they have maximum impact
  • The way to use specific words in patterns that mean you can fire up your own and others natural motivation
  • Learn the language of influence that leads to success in business


The Benefits

  1. Know how to create high level rapport with anyone anytime
  2. Read body language in the moment
  3. Guide yourself and others to powerful outcomes
  4. Get motivated any time you need
  5. Present your ideas with clarity and impact
  6. Close more sales


Three Reasons The “Be a Brilliant Communicator Programme” Is For You!

  1. You want your people to engage with you in a positive and productive way
  2. You want people to listen to what you have to say
  3. You want (and need) people to do what you ask them to do

Are you getting all three of these things? If so, you probably don’t need our programme. But, if not then it is ideally suited for you. It was created by scientists for scientists, engineers, specialists, and their managers. It will give you all three of these above benefits! We want to teach you how to detect and utilise patterns to transform the way you run teams, build presentations, and interact with customers. It will surprise you just how quickly these skills are acquired.

Your team will learn:

  • How to build and maintain relationships more quickly and effectively
  • Secrets for positively influencing customers, colleagues and management interactions
  • Ways to use your body language, observational skills and verbal language forms to send the message you intend

The result is that your team will work together more effectively, experience greater cohesion, and you will communicate better with customers and prospects!