Welcome to my coaching tips page.

Many of you ask me about how to use the brilliant tools we have in NLP in a coaching environment.

As a prelude to the upcoming NLP LifeStream Coaching workshop here are a few tips for using NLP tools in coaching.

Hope you find them useful do let me know.


First tip   

Second tip

Third tip

Fourth tip

Want to become a LifeStream Coach and integrate NLP into your coaching practice?

Then call me or read about the NLP LifeStream Coach course


What our LifeStream  Coaches say about say about the course

‘A valuable and enriching experience’ Zeba Ali kahn

‘Full of practical experiences that allow you to embed NLP tools in coaching practice’ Julie Rose

 ‘Evolution provide a total learning experience that io have not found elsewhere’ Sally Ayson

‘This course has strengthened my coaching practice 10x’ Marie Neave