Have you ever considered what your body language is saying to others around you? It turns out that your posture reveals more than you might expect to others!

Resourceful posture is being aware of what you are communicating with your posture making sure you’re sending the right message. When both body and mind are working together, we have access to our most powerful state of being. No matter how stressful the situation we’re in might be, we can be at our best when we know how to hold our bodies and communicate with confidence.

To understand how posture has an impact on the way you feel and therefore present yourself to others, try this experiment. Stand up straight and enjoy the feeling of having your feet firmly planted on the floor. Think of a happy memory and notice how your body responds to that image. While in this happy state of mind, let your head droop to the floor and your shoulders collapse. Notice how that almost immediately changes your good feelings to more negative ones.

People with a strong, solid stance and excellent posture are taken more seriously. They have the ability to lead more effectively and communicate from a place of truth and integrity. Good posture habits are worth developing.

Here are some tips for improving your posture.

  1. Consider yoga or another flexibility training that will strengthen your muscles, keep your body limber, and elongate your spine.
  2. Imagine that there’s an invisible thread attached to the crown of your head, imagine it being pulled and allow your body to straighten in response.  See how it lifts your body from a slumped or slouched position almost immediately.  One useful anchor is to imagine that every time you stand up the thread is there, so that several times per day you have the opportunity to improve your posture.
  3. Lift your chest gently and feel how your back strengthens, your shoulders fall into place, and your neck elongates.

Practice standing with solid posture each day and let it become habitual.  You’ll be surprised (and pleased!) at how your communication skills, leadership capabilities, and self-confidence improve.

How have you trained yourself to have good posture?

Watch this video on TED.com

For more information on how you can become a powerful business communicator, download a complimentary copy of our groundbreaking new ebook, “The Leader’s Guide to Clear and Effective Communication” at EvolutionTraining.co.uk/LeadershipBook.

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Roger Terry

Director of Training and Coaching at Evolution Training Ltd
Roger Terry is one of the world’s leading experts on applying NLP to drive excellence both professionally and personally. Roger leads seminars and consults with companies all over the world, including in the UK, USA, Europe and Middle East. He is the author of several books, including The Hidden Art of Interviewing, NLP and Qualitative Research, NLP for Teachers and The NLP Toolkit.